Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes

All Countries > France > Bordeaux > Graves > Sauternes > Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes
Wine Wine Type Score Price
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1934White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1947White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1952White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1955White¥ 184,421
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1961White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1966White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1967White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1969White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1971White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1973White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1975White¥ 52,692
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1978White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1979White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1980White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1982White¥ 134,124
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1983White¥ 167,656
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1984White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1985White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1986White¥ 79,038
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1987White84
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1988White¥ 67,062
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1989White87
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1990White88¥ 254,166
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1992White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1994White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1995White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1996White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1997White¥ 67,062
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1998White87¥ 67,062
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 1999White88¥ 67,062
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2000White¥ 67,062
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2001White92¥ 170,099
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2002White88
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2003White86
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2004White93
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2005White¥ 86,223
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2006White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2007White87
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2008White87
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2009White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2010White88
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2011White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2012White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2013White¥ 74,247
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2014White¥ 50,297
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2015White93
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2016White¥ 57,482
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2017White¥ 57,482
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2018White¥ 62,272
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2019White¥ 62,440
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2020White¥ 60,500
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2021White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2022White
Chateau Lamothe Despujols Sauternes - 2023White
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