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GBP Europe In Bond

Wines in this Index
Wine Vintage Change 1 year Price
Chateau Clos L'Eglise Pomerol 2000 63.26% £ 239.99
Chateau Beau-Sejour Becot Saint-Emilion 2001 41.13% £ 79.03
Chateau Larcis Ducasse Saint Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 1998 37.05% £ 76.75
Chateau Belair-Monange Saint-Emilion 2005 36.65% £ 73.79
Chateau Pavie Macquin Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 2000 36.56% £ 133.83
Chateau Bellevue Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2010 36.17% £ 64.00
Chateau Beau-Sejour Becot Saint-Emilion 2010 34.91% £ 114.67
Chateau Clos L'Eglise Pomerol 1998 29.51% £ 107.49
Chateau Latour a Pomerol Pomerol 1998 24.22% £ 140.37
Chateau Le Tertre Roteboeuf Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2009 22.82% £ 235.82
Chateau La Violette Pomerol 2010 18.69% £ 940.00
Chateau l'Evangile Pomerol 2000 17.52% £ 366.67
Chateau Beausejour Duffau-Lagarrosse Saint-Emilion 2000 16.13% £ 108.00
Chateau Cheval Blanc Saint-Emilion 2005 15.73% £ 800.87
Chateau Pavie Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2010 15.32% £ 285.99
Chateau La Fleur Petrus Pomerol 2010 14.45% £ 232.33
Le Dome Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2000 13.89% £ 246.00
Chateau La Conseillante Pomerol 1998 13.64% £ 200.00
Chateau Angelus Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2010 13.31% £ 326.33
Chateau Le Tertre Roteboeuf Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2001 13.08% £ 210.33
Chateau Beausejour Duffau-Lagarrosse Saint-Emilion 2010 12.55% £ 269.00
Chateau Clinet Pomerol 2005 12.05% £ 129.98
Chateau Larcis Ducasse Saint Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 2009 10.24% £ 78.27
Chateau Moulin Saint-Georges Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2000 9.38% £ 70.00
Chateau l'Evangile Pomerol 1998 9.32% £ 290.79
Chateau Clos L'Eglise Pomerol 2001 8.82% £ 136.02
Chateau Trotanoy Pomerol 2005 8.81% £ 286.17
Chateau l'Evangile Pomerol 2001 7.84% £ 199.50
Chateau Pavie Macquin Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 2001 7.37% £ 61.20
Chateau La Fleur Petrus Pomerol 2009 7.26% £ 230.61
Chateau Beau-Sejour Becot Saint-Emilion 1998 7.19% £ 80.39
Chateau Latour a Pomerol Pomerol 2005 7.15% £ 105.01
Chateau Clinet Pomerol 2001 6.57% £ 114.03
Chateau Figeac Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2001 5.49% £ 228.92
Chateau l'Evangile Pomerol 2009 5.35% £ 298.15
Chateau La Conseillante Pomerol 2010 5.09% £ 183.90
Chateau Hosanna Pomerol 2005 4.71% £ 200.00
Chateau Bellevue Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2001 3.50% £ 39.33
Chateau Angelus Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2009 3.41% £ 318.50
Chateau Pavie Macquin Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 2010 2.74% £ 75.00
Chateau Clos L'Eglise Pomerol 2005 2.57% £ 106.67
Chateau Larcis Ducasse Saint Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 2005 2.34% £ 196.49
Chateau Cheval Blanc Saint-Emilion 2010 0.75% £ 753.61
Chateau Trotanoy Pomerol 2000 0.57% £ 293.66
Chateau l'Evangile Pomerol 2005 0.00% £ 220.00
Chateau La Violette Pomerol 2001 £ 0.00
Chateau Moulin Saint-Georges Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2001 0.00% £ 50.00
Chateau Bellevue Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 1998 £ 0.00
Chateau Hosanna Pomerol 1998 £ 0.00
Chateau La Violette Pomerol 1998 £ 0.00
Chateau L'Eglise-Clinet Pomerol 2005 -0.06% £ 295.83
Petrus Pomerol 1998 -0.20% £ 3,194.49
Chateau Clos L'Eglise Pomerol 2010 -0.39% £ 128.50
Chateau Moulin Saint-Georges Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2009 -0.43% £ 39.83
Chateau Bellevue Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2005 -0.79% £ 62.50
Chateau Belair-Monange Saint-Emilion 1998 -0.83% £ 59.50
Chateau Hosanna Pomerol 2001 -1.17% £ 119.58
Chateau Angelus Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2000 -1.18% £ 461.47
Chateau Cheval Blanc Saint-Emilion 2001 -1.22% £ 458.33
Chateau Moulin Saint-Georges Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2005 -1.32% £ 37.50
Chateau La Conseillante Pomerol 2005 -1.45% £ 229.62
Chateau Trotanoy Pomerol 2009 -1.70% £ 278.20
Chateau Belair-Monange Saint-Emilion 2000 -1.79% £ 55.00
Chateau Larcis Ducasse Saint Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 2000 -2.12% £ 50.90
Petrus Pomerol 2005 -2.33% £ 3,662.51
Le Dome Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2001 -2.53% £ 154.00
Chateau Beausejour Duffau-Lagarrosse Saint-Emilion 1998 -2.68% £ 78.83
Chateau La Conseillante Pomerol 2009 -2.78% £ 166.25
Vieux Chateau Certan Pomerol 1998 -3.33% £ 241.67
Vieux Chateau Certan Pomerol 2009 -3.47% £ 231.67
Vieux Chateau Certan Pomerol 2000 -3.57% £ 220.83
Chateau L'Eglise-Clinet Pomerol 2009 -3.70% £ 216.67
Chateau Ausone Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2009 -3.78% £ 665.84
Chateau Le Tertre Roteboeuf Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2000 -4.19% £ 316.17
Chateau Ausone Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2000 -4.25% £ 758.33
Clos Fourtet Saint-Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 2010 -4.32% £ 103.33
Vieux Chateau Certan Pomerol 2001 -4.52% £ 183.33
Chateau Trotanoy Pomerol 2001 -4.62% £ 237.50
Vieux Chateau Certan Pomerol 2005 -4.70% £ 199.17
Chateau L'Eglise-Clinet Pomerol 2001 -4.75% £ 155.25
Chateau Hosanna Pomerol 2010 -4.76% £ 140.00
Chateau Cheval Blanc Saint-Emilion 2009 -4.76% £ 666.66
Chateau Cheval Blanc Saint-Emilion 2000 -4.76% £ 666.67
Chateau Moulin Saint-Georges Saint Emilion Grand Cru 1998 -4.76% £ 40.00
Chateau Le Tertre Roteboeuf Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2010 -4.97% £ 162.50
Clos Fourtet Saint-Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 2005 -5.15% £ 116.67
Chateau L'Eglise-Clinet Pomerol 2010 -5.18% £ 233.25
Clos Fourtet Saint-Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 2000 -5.20% £ 110.92
Chateau Cheval Blanc Saint-Emilion 1998 -5.20% £ 833.33
Chateau Latour a Pomerol Pomerol 2009 -5.31% £ 83.33
Chateau La Fleur Petrus Pomerol 1998 -5.51% £ 251.34
Chateau Ausone Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2001 -6.07% £ 515.67
Chateau Clinet Pomerol 2010 -6.21% £ 95.67
Chateau Belair-Monange Saint-Emilion 2010 -6.31% £ 104.00
Chateau Pavie Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 1998 -6.50% £ 237.50
Chateau Pavie Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2001 -6.84% £ 248.75
Chateau Ausone Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 1998 -7.06% £ 500.00
Chateau Beausejour Duffau-Lagarrosse Saint-Emilion 2001 -7.16% £ 69.63
Chateau Larcis Ducasse Saint Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 2010 -7.41% £ 83.33
Chateau Le Tertre Roteboeuf Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2005 -7.41% £ 208.33
Petrus Pomerol 2009 -7.46% £ 3,500.00
Chateau Angelus Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2005 -7.65% £ 384.17
Chateau Pavie Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2009 -7.69% £ 227.08
Chateau La Fleur Petrus Pomerol 2000 -7.69% £ 227.08
Clos Fourtet Saint-Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 2001 -8.19% £ 107.42
Chateau Figeac Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 1998 -8.46% £ 241.67
Vieux Chateau Certan Pomerol 2010 -9.10% £ 265.42
Chateau Ausone Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2005 -9.28% £ 941.67
Le Dome Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2009 -9.53% £ 158.33
Chateau Belair-Monange Saint-Emilion 2009 -9.67% £ 88.52
Chateau Clinet Pomerol 2009 -9.79% £ 187.63
Chateau La Violette Pomerol 2005 -10.00% £ 45.00
Chateau Clos L'Eglise Pomerol 2009 -10.07% £ 125.00
Chateau l'Evangile Pomerol 2010 -10.49% £ 145.00
Chateau Pavie Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2000 -10.57% £ 379.17
Clos Fourtet Saint-Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 1998 -10.89% £ 90.00
Clos Fourtet Saint-Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 2009 -10.96% £ 149.58
Chateau Latour a Pomerol Pomerol 2010 -10.98% £ 92.58
Chateau Hosanna Pomerol 2000 -11.15% £ 144.83
Chateau La Conseillante Pomerol 2000 -11.17% £ 229.17
Chateau Beausejour Duffau-Lagarrosse Saint-Emilion 2005 -11.35% £ 80.67
Petrus Pomerol 2001 -11.75% £ 2,500.00
Chateau Pavie Macquin Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 1998 -11.86% £ 114.58
Chateau Pavie Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2005 -12.19% £ 281.87
Le Dome Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2010 -12.41% £ 194.46
Chateau Angelus Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2001 -12.62% £ 299.73
Chateau Le Tertre Roteboeuf Saint Emilion Grand Cru 1998 -12.81% £ 206.64
Chateau Beausejour Duffau-Lagarrosse Saint-Emilion 2009 -13.04% £ 200.00
Chateau Clinet Pomerol 2000 -13.17% £ 145.00
Chateau Figeac Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2010 -13.27% £ 191.67
Chateau Hosanna Pomerol 2009 -13.34% £ 173.33
Petrus Pomerol 2010 -13.83% £ 3,365.72
Chateau La Violette Pomerol 2000 -14.21% £ 52.33
Chateau Latour a Pomerol Pomerol 2001 -14.36% £ 93.35
Chateau Trotanoy Pomerol 1998 -14.45% £ 403.81
Chateau Beau-Sejour Becot Saint-Emilion 2000 -15.10% £ 67.92
Chateau Angelus Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 1998 -15.16% £ 375.00
Chateau Trotanoy Pomerol 2010 -15.23% £ 195.83
Chateau L'Eglise-Clinet Pomerol 1998 -15.53% £ 313.39
Chateau L'Eglise-Clinet Pomerol 2000 -15.77% £ 233.33
Chateau Clinet Pomerol 1998 -15.86% £ 123.68
Chateau Figeac Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2005 -16.28% £ 180.00
Chateau Figeac Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2000 -16.67% £ 233.33
Le Dome Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2005 -17.75% £ 120.91
Chateau La Conseillante Pomerol 2001 -18.03% £ 150.00
Chateau Beau-Sejour Becot Saint-Emilion 2005 -18.35% £ 60.42
Chateau Moulin Saint-Georges Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2010 -19.06% £ 28.33
Chateau Ausone Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2010 -19.14% £ 600.00
Chateau La Violette Pomerol 2009 -19.30% £ 383.33
Chateau Pavie Macquin Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 2009 -19.67% £ 66.67
Le Dome Saint Emilion Grand Cru 1998 -19.72% £ 87.50
Chateau Latour a Pomerol Pomerol 2000 -19.99% £ 124.02
Chateau Belair-Monange Saint-Emilion 2001 -21.22% £ 43.33
Chateau Pavie Macquin Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 2005 -22.31% £ 74.58
Chateau Figeac Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2009 -23.10% £ 179.17
Petrus Pomerol 2000 -24.22% £ 4,333.34
Chateau Larcis Ducasse Saint Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 2001 -25.73% £ 41.59
Chateau Beau-Sejour Becot Saint-Emilion 2009 -29.29% £ 70.00
Chateau La Fleur Petrus Pomerol 2001 -30.84% £ 156.30
Chateau La Fleur Petrus Pomerol 2005 -31.67% £ 170.83
Chateau Bellevue Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2009 -36.22% £ 42.73
Chateau Bellevue Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2000 -46.27% £ 54.80

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